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family baking cupcakes with an ADT monitor on the counter.
September 27, 2021

How to Cut Down on False Alarms from Dayton Home Security Systems

False alarms can be a worry for your security system. They could become costly and cause your insurance rates to increase, but there’s no need for it to be that way! You are able to reduce false alarms from your Dayton home security system by being certain that all family members are educated on using it. Best practices like getting messages to your mobile device when a sensor is tripped, using automation, and finding a security provider that offers 24/7 monitoring will keep emergency services from coming to your house as a result of a false alarm.

Train Family Members On Your Home’s Security

When you have kids at your house, ensure they are educated on how to use the security features and they understand it's a critical element of your overall safety. If you own pets, it’s wise to demonstrate what will occur if the alarm sounds - the majority of home defense systems emanate a loud warning signal out of audio components when your alarm is triggered.You can help your animals to remain calm.

Get Text Updates So You Are Able To Determine If It’s A False Alarm

A mobile alert won't prevent a Dayton false security alarm, but it can prevent the police from hurrying to your house. Smart systems like packages from ADT have the ability to send updates right to your cell phone from your security app when a system component is activated. It's a nice benefit when you're not on site to be notified right away when your alarms go off. If incorporating video surveillance, you are able to assess the threat and determine if there’s a cause for concern.

Automation Is A Smart Choice To Turn off Your Home Security System

Incorporating home automation with your property’s defense is a smart choice to reduce the occurrence of false alarms. One of the main reasons for false alarms in Dayton is because the security components are mistakenly left on when you're home. Go through one of your home’s entry points, and the alarm triggers. But you can disengage your system at specific times of the day, such as when your kids get off the bus after school. When using an automated device like a smart lock, you can also program your sensors to disengage anytime the lock is initiated with your code.

Rely On 24-7 Monitoring For False Alarm Support

An effective method to minimize false alarms is by choosing a home alarm company that has 24-7 monitoring in Dayton. These trained experts will investigate your activated alarms if they detect a normal level of activity at your residence. At that point, they are able to call you to make sure it is not a false alarm. If you do in fact have a false alarm, they will remotely reset your system. If it appears you do in fact have an intruder, your monitoring specialist will contact the police.

Get An ADT Alarm System To Limit False Security Alarms In Dayton

It’s smart to note that home defense package won’t prevent criminal activity, but it will provide peace of mind and better secure your property. You can even customize your ADP package with home automation and 24-7 monitoring that plays a critical role in preventing false alarms. Phone (937) 230-5750 or complete the following form and one of our specialists will assist you in creating your ideal residential security package.